The Power of Intuition
In a world where data and analysis often reign supreme, it's easy to overlook the quiet but profound voice of intuition. Yet, as Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Oprah and countless others have attested, intuition is a powerful force in decision-making, guiding us toward success, fulfilment, and growth.
Jeff Bezos once said, "All of my best decisions in business and in life have been made with heart, intuition, guts--not analysis. When you can make a decision with analysis, you should do so, but it turns out in life that your most important decisions are always made with instinct, intuition, taste, heart."
This sentiment underscores the importance of listening to our inner guidance, even in the face of overwhelming data. Liz Tran beautifully encapsulates the essence of intuition, describing it as "Put simply intuition is knowing something without knowing how you know it, and the only difference with the ordinary and the genius is the amount of time we spend nurturing our intuition." Even Oprah Winfrey noted how valuable her intuition is, "I've trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life. And, the only time I've made mistakes is when I didn't listen."
Unfortunately, despite the profound power intuition holds, many of us are taught or learn to disregard it. As Teresa Lodato, CPCC, founder of Becoming Aware, explains, “Trusting your intuition takes practice for most people as we are often taught to disregard it once we start primary school. Unfortunately, trauma experienced in life can also skew your intuitive delivery system, which can make people believe they can’t trust themselves or their intuitive guidance.” She adds, “Intuition will always come as neutral communication. It will never ‘tell’ you what to do. [Rather] it will suggest, unless there is a clear threat or danger to your physical body. Listening to your intuition typically feels like ‘you might want to go this way’ versus ‘go this way or else.’ Overthinking generally refers to repetitive, unproductive thoughts where people ‘ruminate’ about the future or ‘worry’ about the past.”
For many reasons, distinguishing between intuition and cognitive biases or fear can be challenging. For instance, fear, while necessary for survival, can often be confused as intuition, leading us to second-guess ourselves and stay within our comfort zones. Cognitive biases can play out in many ways. For example, we really want something to happen so we assume the situation is more favourable than it is. Having said that, we’re big believers in leaving room for magic, believing in your vision and holding faith even when it seems like things aren’t working out in your favour, but ultimately everything comes down to YOU and your own intuition when you are in a good state. When you are in a good mood, calm and centred, does this feel right in your heart? It's crucial to recognise the subtle whispers of intuition amidst the loud voice of fear or our clouded thinking when we’re in an anxious and stressed state so we don’t miss out on opportunities for growth and fulfilment.
So how can we cultivate and harness the power of intuition in our lives?
Embrace Stillness: Create space for stillness and silence, allowing intuition to emerge amidst the noise of everyday life. Whether through meditation, contemplation, or simply moments of solitude, stillness provides the space for intuitive insights to surface.
Understand Your Unique Language of Intuition: Intuition manifests differently for each of us. Whether through images, physical sensations, or emotional responses, take time to understand how your intuition communicates with you.
Start small: Use your intuition for little inconsequential things in the beginning. Going into the weekend, ask yourself what intuitively feels right for you. When it comes to your dinner, consider what your body really wants to eat.
Practice your intuition with quick judgements: We all tend to be highly intuitive when we use our quick gut reactions and don’t overthink. Get into the habit of testing your intuition muscle by asking if things are a “yes” or a “no” for you and giving a response without overthinking. Test this out when the stakes are low and build up your confidence in your intuition.
Listen to Your Body: Our bodies hold immense wisdom, often providing subtle cues that guide us toward alignment or warn us of potential missteps. Pay attention to your body's signals and trust its innate wisdom. Regularly ask your body what it wants to say to you. The more you do this, the more it will have to say.
Build Self-Trust: Honour your needs, prioritise self-care, and show up authentically. Trusting yourself is a gradual process nurtured through conscious awareness and self-compassion. Nurturing our intuition is a journey and we may not always get it right. We need self-trust to feel safe to cultivate our intuition and act on it more often.
Embrace Your Emotions: Our feelings serve as a compass, offering valuable insights into our intuitive guidance system. Acknowledge and explore your emotional responses, allowing them to inform your decision-making process.
Be aware of your mental state. Related research shows that intuition is enhanced in people when they are in a good mood. And the opposite is true when you are anxious.
Journaling: Reflect on past experiences where you trusted or ignored your intuition. Explore the signs, feelings, and lessons learned from these experiences. Use journaling as a tool to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom. A few journal prompts to consider:
Reflect on a time when you trusted your intuition and it led to a positive result. What were the signs or feelings that guided you? What did it feel like in your body? How did it feel to trust yourself in that moment?
What would my 90 year old self want me to do right now?
Does this align with my soul or distract me from my path? When you are in faith you feel connected and when you are in fear you feel distracted. This is a great question from writer Matt Gotsesman that can be incredibly eye opening.
Think of a situation where you ignored your intuition and regretted it later. What were the warning signs you ignored? What lessons did you learn from this experience?
Imagine your intuition as a wise mentor. Write a letter to your intuitive self, seeking guidance and advice on a current challenge or decision you’re facing.
Ultimately, intuition serves as a faithful companion on life's journey, offering guidance and courage amidst uncertainty. But it takes time to nurture it and we get better with experience. Nevertheless, by cultivating a relationship with our intuition, we empower ourselves to navigate life's complexities with clarity, confidence, and ease. As we learn to trust the whispers of our inner wisdom, we unlock the boundless potential that resides within each of us.
At Wondersource, we prioritize the cultivation of intuition as a cornerstone for effective leadership and personal growth. That's why we've dedicated a segment of our 6-week virtual WORK series to explore the depths of intuition and its transformative power.
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If you're ready to amplify your team's potential and foster a culture of holistic growth, reach out to us at or book in a call to learn more. Let's embark on a journey towards thriving together.
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