10 Ways I Practice Mental Fitness
As a passionate advocate for mental fitness and the founder of Wondersource, 2023 marked a transformative year for me. Fueled by a profound curiosity about healing modalities and brain health, my path was also shaped by personal encounters with stress, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs. Facing constant deadlines and daily challenges, I walked the talk and now know that it’s imperative to feed our brains with care on a daily basis, something that I refer to as mental fitness, and make it a non-negotiable.
Success doesn’t happen by accident. People who achieve big things work diligently toward their goals.
The inception of Wondersource, a mental fitness company, stemmed from a period of burnout and insomnia, an aftermath of unchecked workplace stress. Witnessing the struggles of many, I recognized the pervasive impact on focus, sleep, confidence, and overall well-being. Thus, the mission of Wondersource emerged — to provide tools for ongoing stress management, empowerment, and sustained success.
In the spirit of openness and shared growth, these are the key practices that have been enriching my mental fitness:
Held my Vision
Embracing big dreams, I journaled my vision as if it had already materialized, including how I felt as I achieved it. This practice served as a powerful guide, grounding me amid challenges and doubts. We often don’t take the time to write down our goals or visions because we think they’re out of reach, but if you can’t envision it, it won’t happen.Meditation and Visualisation
Incorporating ten minutes of morning meditation and visualization is a daily ritual. This not only set a positive tone for my day, but also fostered focus, reduced stress, connected me with my intuition, and helped me sleep at night.Acceptance and Focus Towards what I Want
A deepened understanding of acceptance allowed me to find peace with the present. It’s not about giving up, it’s about releasing resistance or attachement to outcomes and fostering confidence. Acknowledging fears or doubts, I redirected focus towards desired outcomes.Felt all my Feelings
Acknowledging and embracing my feelings, whether simple or profound, gives them space to exist. Instead of avoiding or suppressing feelings, which leads to other mental health issues, this practice, though challenging, contributed to my emotional healing and a sense of wholeness.Chose my Words
Recognising the power of words, I try to be mindful of self-compassionate and empowering language that supports my journey. Remember, we’re creating the person we want to become. This practice does not advocate for toxic positivity, nor does it negate the acknowledgment of challenges, but it is aimed at empowerment, like swapping out “I have to” with “I get to” and “I’ll try” with “I will” statements.Tapping (emotional freedom technique)
Tapping is my favorite tool in processing limiting beliefs and releasing stuck energy. Its effectiveness in reducing stress and restoring focus has been remarkable.Diet and Supplements
Mindful choices in diet, along with targeted supplements, has made a huge difference in my physical well-being. Managing sugar intake, avoiding processed foods as well as monitor my dairy & gluten intake, and moderating alcohol contributed to sustained energy and a overall improved mental clarity.An Abundance Mindset
Cultivating an abundance mindset is a roll up of many of the above techniques including meditations, affirmations, and tapping as well as cultivating genuine gratitude and appreciation for the things in my life as they were. Shifting focus from lack to abundance instilled inner peace and joy, rewiring my brain for a more positive outlook. This mindset shift allowed me an open perspective on possibilities of what’s to come rather than focusing on what may feel like current limitations.Set Boundaries and Prioritised Self-Care
Recognizing that my needs and dreams matter, setting boundaries became about making decisions that support my well-being. Prioritizing self-care has ensured time for activities that bring me joy and contentment.Fostered Supportive Relationships
Spending time with my trusted community has became a cornerstone of joy. Mindful curation of relationships, focusing on those aligned with mutual trust and support, proved invaluable. Remember, Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend time with”.
These practices, in addition to regular exercise, are now woven into my daily life, and they have significantly contributed to my overall mental fitness. I encourage you to explore these options and find what resonated for your unique path to mental fitness. Everything here is a small, consistent practice that has paved the way for a healthier mind, greater confidence, and enduring resilience.
If you resonate with this journey or have experiences to share about your mental fitness journey, I'd love to hear from you. Reach out at hello@wondersource.co, and I'll be sure to respond.
#mentalfitness #productivity #leadership #workplacewellness #workplacewellbeing #selfawareness