Life is a Mirror Reflecting our Internal World
Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.
Our lives are reflections of our inner worlds and can show us hidden parts of ourselves that we need to work on. Making this realisation and shift can dramatically improve ones well-being, life, relationships, business and basically every part of life.
Instead of being a victim and feeling like things are happening to us, we can start to look at our part in everything. When triggered, we can pause and ask ourselves what the situation is teaching us. Where can I learn and grow.
😐 If you feel people aren’t valuing you.
- Look internally, ask where aren’t I valuing myself or others? Why aren’t I? How could I value and believe in myself more? What needed to change? What limiting stories did I need to release?
😐 If you feel like someone wasn’t being present or available in your life.
- Look internally, where aren’t you being available and present with yourself, your needs, your dreams or with someone else’s? How can I be more present for myself and dreams? How can I show up more for me? How can I love and care for myself more?
😐 If you’re not getting traction with your business or career.
- Look internally and ask, what part of my business or work aren’t I valuing? What needed to change? What negative stories and beliefs did I need to let go of? What empowering ones could I replace them with?
😐 If you feel like you’re not being respected.
- Look internally, and ask where aren’t I respecting myself or someone else? Why aren’t I? What would it take for me to respect myself more? What needed to change? What limiting stories did I need to release?
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should accept bad behaviour or avoid setting boundaries. Doing the work on yourself to heal and release old wounds, set boundaries and communicate your needs is an ongoing process.
When something comes up, we can either talk something through when it feels right to do so or we can just accept that we’re not aligned for now, and lovingly let go. When we show up where we feel wanted and valued and distance or leave when we don't, we are building self-trust and confidence within.
And, when you look at life as a reflection of your internal world and an opportunity for growth, you feel so much more powerful, empowered, lighter, and confident.
There are mirrors everywhere. Whoever you have a connection with is a mirror for you, and the deeper the connection, the stronger the mirror.
Many of us have childhood wounds like - I’m powerless, my needs don’t matter or I’m not valued, valuable, seen, heard, worthy or loveable. But recognising that we no longer have to be a victim, we’re no longer children who don’t know how to love and soothe ourselves, and taking full responsibility for who we want to be and how we want to feel allows us to start to heal those wounds by giving to ourselves what we need.
So, the next time you feel like you or you’re work aren’t being valued, why not ask yourself if YOU are valuing yourself and your work? And then doing what you can to start valuing yourself more.
The more we value, see, hear, love and cherish ourselves, the more we see that reflected in our world.
In Summary:
When we become aware that our challenges are lessons and opportunities to heal wounds, we have the opportunity to find out what they’re showing us about ourselves and where we can learn and grow or heal and release.
If we don’t feel valued by others, consider where are we not valuing others or ourselves
If we feel someone is taking our power away, consider where are we giving our power away
If we feel like we’re not being respected, where are we not respecting others or ourselves
If we feel judged by others, consider where we may be judging someone else or ourselves
When someone is lying to us, consider where we may be lying to ourselves or others
If we feel others are being irresponsible, consider where we may be irresponsible in work, taking care of ourselves, or making a tough decision
If we feel we’re not being listened to, consider where we may not be listening to others or to our inner world
You’ll feel 10x better and more empowered when you start to see life as a mirror.
PS. Ready to feel 10x better? Wondersource guides employees from burnout to thriving. Click here to book a call to learn more or here to download our free guide on burnout for HR professionals.
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